Increased Diversity in 2021 UC Admissions

In 2021, the UC’s saw an increase in the number of admitted students by 19% from 2019. The number of admitted underrepresented freshmen increased by about 22%, whereas the number of well-represented groups–Caucasian and Asian American students–increased by about 10%.
In 2019, 28,547 underrepresented freshmen were admitted across all UC campuses. UC Merced took in the largest portion of these freshmen (10,015), while UCLA took in the fewest (2,561). In 2021, 36,462 underrepresented freshmen were admitted across the UCs; UC Merced once again took in most of these students (10,015), while UCLA took in the fewest (2,869).
Of all underrepresented groups, the number of Latinx students admitted across all UC schools increased the most by about 6,626 students (21% increase). Admitted African American students also increased by about 1,194 students (26% increase). American Indian and Pacific Islander students saw the least notable increase with both groups having less than a 100 student uptick.

# of Admitted Underrepresented Freshman

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