Best Bang for Your Buck Colleges (Highest ROI)

A new ranking by Washington Monthly offers a nuanced assessment of different colleges’ “Return on Investment”. The study calculates a social mobility score comprised of many factors including schools’ net price after aid, median earnings 10 years after initial enrollment, and loan repayment rate. The rankings are broken down by region of the US; thus, the Ivy League, MIT, and CUNY Baruch College stand out amongst Northeast Schools, while Georgetown and Washington & Lee University are notable winners in the Southeast. For those interested in attending college in the American south, Texas public schools also have high scores.
U.S. Colleges that Provide the Highest ROI 2019
thousands of USD
Note: “Net price” refers to the amount that first-time, full-time undergraduate students pay after aid, measured using IPEDS data. Complete Washington Weekly methodology can be found here.
This bulletin was edited by Andrew Nguyen
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